þ 07/16/1996 poti joins /*xpress*/ as a ra-coder. kaoz is xpress-memberboard. þ 07/16/1996 we are proud to announce that we are /*saraghd*/-distro and /*magic arts*/-european hq. þ 07/16/1996 could someone check the /*protocol-selector*/, please. thanx. þ 07/15/1996 we are supporting /*s!p*/ as a distro-site from now on. thanx to maf. þ 07/13/1996 thanx to /*leonardo^bm*/ for the great login- and logoff-ansis. þ [NO DATE] /*x-treme dreams*/ are dead. for further information leech xtddead!.arj þ [NO DATE] from now on kaoz is ghg of the israelian ansi-group called /*rage*/. þ [NO DATE] kaoz supports /*liquid dreams*/ as ghq. free dl of coz. þ [NO MORE NEWS]